Data Structures & Algorithms

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Course Description

In the modern world of technology and software development, knowledge of data structures and algorithms is essential. Whether you are a programmer, software engineer, or computer science student, understanding these fundamental concepts can greatly enhance your problem-solving skills and enable you to create efficient and optimized solutions.

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to data structures and algorithms, covering a wide range of topics including maps/dictionaries, linked lists, trees, stacks & queues, heaps, graphs, runtime analysis, searching & sorting, and recursion & dynamic programming. By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation in these concepts and be able to apply them to real-world programming challenges.

What You’ll Learn


  • Understand the concept of maps and dictionaries
  • Learn about the different data structures used to implement maps/dictionaries
  • Master the operations and complexities of common map/dictionary operations
  • Use maps/dictionaries to solve problems efficiently

Linked Lists

  • Familiarize yourself with linked list data structure
  • Learn about the different types of linked lists, such as singly linked lists, doubly linked lists, and circular linked lists
  • Understand the operations and complexities associated with linked lists
  • Implement linked lists in various programming languages


  • Gain a deep understanding of tree structures, including binary trees, AVL trees, and B-trees
  • Learn about tree traversal algorithms such as inorder, preorder, and postorder
  • Explore advanced tree structures like heaps, heapsort, and Huffman trees
  • Use trees effectively to solve problems like searching, sorting, and priority queues

Stacks & Queues

  • Understand the stack and queue data structures and their applications
  • Implement stacks and queues using arrays and linked lists
  • Explore stack and queue operations and their complexities
  • Solve problems using stacks and queues


  • Learn about the heap data structure and its properties
  • Understand how heaps are used in priority queues
  • Implement and manipulate heaps efficiently
  • Solve problems using heaps and priority queues


  • Gain knowledge of graph data structure and its types, including directed and undirected graphs
  • Learn about graph traversal algorithms like breadth-first search and depth-first search
  • Study various graph representations, such as adjacency matrix and adjacency list
  • Solve graph-related problems such as shortest path and minimum spanning tree

Runtime Analysis

  • Understand the basics of runtime analysis and Big-O notation
  • Analyze the time and space complexities of algorithms
  • Compare and contrast different algorithms based on their complexities
  • Make informed decisions on selecting the most efficient algorithms for specific problems

Searching & Sorting

  • Learn about different searching algorithms like linear search, binary search, and interpolation search
  • Understand various sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, quicksort, and radix sort
  • Compare the time complexities and trade-offs of different searching and sorting techniques
  • Apply searching and sorting algorithms to solve practical problems efficiently

Recursion & Dynamic Programming

  • Explore the concept of recursion and how it can be used to solve complex problems
  • Understand how dynamic programming techniques optimize solutions by breaking down problems into smaller subproblems
  • Implement recursive algorithms and dynamic programming solutions
  • Solve problems that require recursion and dynamic programming techniques

With this comprehensive course on data structures and algorithms, you will gain the knowledge and skills to tackle programming challenges more effectively. Whether you are preparing for technical interviews or seeking to improve your programming abilities, this course will equip you with the foundational understanding needed to excel in the world of computer science and software development.

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